Latest News: Starting from 1st February, MECSJ became a Monthly publishing platform instead of being Quarterly (4 issues/year) Journal . Last date of Manuscript submission is October 25, 2023. Submit your paper now to [ ]
Author Guideline
Multi-knowledge Electronic Comprehensive Journal For Education And Science Publications (MECSJ) attracts more readers by allowing a free access to the journal contents which contributes to a dense scientific knowledge. The journal is concerned about newly unpublished articles and multidisciplinary research papers that is prepared in English and that strongly take copyright procedures into account.
Author instructions:
Authors are welcome to submit their papers through sending them to this e-mail ( or by using the "Online submission" section. This process confirms that the submitted work is not submitted or published in other journals. Please visit the home page to learn how to use the tool of "online submission". The following criteria must be followed to guarantee accepting the submitted manuscript:
General instructions:
Formatting guideline:
All send manuscript order must be as the following consequence:
[Title, Abstract & Keywords, Introduction, Main Body, Method (if applicable), Results & discussion (if applicable), Conclusions, References]
Paper Title: Capital letter, BOLD, 16 point type (Times Roman)
Authors: Capital letter, 11 point type (Times Roman)
Text must be typed in Times Roman, 12 point , 1.5 line spacing.
Maximum number of pages should not exceed (25-30 pages)
First level head: must be typed in 14 point, BOLD, numbered
Second level subhead: must be typed in 12 point, Italic, numbered
Third level subhead: must be typed in 11 point, Italic, numbered
Title: Should include brief description of the paper content.
Abstract & Keywords: A (250-300) words about general paper information. Each abstract must include a general brief description of the topic, review significant data in the paper, describe method details, and mention major findings and paper conclusions. Provide (3-6) keywords at the end of the abstract.
Introduction: Introduction should include the main information regarding the study topic, and the purpose of the study.
Main Body: it should discuss all essential data that covers the study topic and objectives.
Methods: A description of the study methods that will be used to achieve the study objectives.
Result & Discussion: clearly describing the paper results and interrupting these results in the discussion by comparing between the present paper results and previous research results.
Conclusions: discuss and indicate the importance of our work, and suggest future research improvements.
References: writing a reference list that should include all papers, studies, books, websites that is used to complete the paper. Use APA reference style.